Wednesday, March 23, 2011

do i have to?

I think I'm going to have to buy the Rob Bell book, Love Wins, and then read it. Why? Because there's lots of talk about it and I want to know for myself. I "hear" he's being bashed, but none of the reviews I've read are mean; they simply disagree.

I have decided that being able to disagree, and still be civil, might be the one skill that is most lacking in the universe.

  • Can we disagree without belittling another person and their point of view?
  • Can we disagree and still be family; still be brothers and sisters in Christ?
  • Can we admit that some things are black and white; while some things, quite frankly, are not?

It seems that when we disagree about the Bible, it can become a passionate debate. Truth, and how we arrive at it can be influenced by so many factors; cultural bias, tradition, personal experiences, etc., etc., etc.

The God that I'm am still learning to know is All Powerful, All Knowing, is Everywhere and is inside of me. Does He need me to attack my brother in order to defend Him? I doubt it. I think He can take care of Himself. If I hear something being spoken about Him that is so very blatantly wrong, should I say something? Maybe yes, well probably, yes.

So, how do I "stand up for the truth"? I don't know yet.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

more than I bargained for

Funny that I pray and fast, and then pray some more for God to intervene in my circumstances. But instead of finding my circumstances changing, I find that my attitudes and my heart are changing.

Weird, but when I think about it, it's probably what I wanted all along.