Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Love in Action

Several months ago I witnessed what was, to me, a remarkable display of grace and mercy. It seems those two words are finding their way into my life more and more.

A dear pastor in our community passed away. Even though I am no longer in that denomination, I still was able to witness the clear calling this man had as a shepherd; a true pastor's heart. He was sweet and kind. He loved the Lord and the people that he believed God called him to shepherd.

Having been a part of the church "scene" in my hometown for most of my life, I am aware that this man had pastored several churches in which he was pressured to leave. As a pastor's wife myself for a time, I understand what it's like to stand before people every week in church that are "done" with you.

As we stood in line for hours at his visitation, because half the town was there to pay their respects to this dear man, I saw standing in this same line some of the very people that had mistreated him. I wondered how they could stand there and look this new widow in the eye, hug her neck, tell her how sorry they were? Maybe it was the least they could do, to show respect at this time of loss. But the thing that captured me the most was the absolute peaceful grace that this beautiful lady displayed as she received each one. She loved them all and took time speaking to every individual. She was the one doing the comforting. I knew without a doubt that she had treated each person in that line the same way, because she had loved them; she had forgiven them. She had been a part of those ugly church happenings and yet she still loved them. I knew that he had loved them, too.

I wept as we left, for the loss of a friend and dear saint, but also in humility, knowing that the example that had just been put before me was one that I would never forget. Love and forgiveness; grace and mercy. Whew. It's taken me this long to really get it.

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