Friday, April 2, 2010

World Autism Awareness Day

I haven't blogged in a while.

Not that I haven't been writing, because I have. It's just that the things I have written lately were sort of dark and morose, and though it was cathartic for me, I couldn't imagine anyone else wanting to read it. So, those writings went unpublished.

Back to the topic at hand. World Autism Awareness Day. April 2nd, a day chosen from Autism Awareness Month.

What do people need to be aware of?

When my son Mark was diagnosed, many years ago, the rate of diagnosis was 1 in 500. Now, that number is 1 in 110. There are several factors that may play into that increase, but the numbers alone are staggering to me.

What else should people be aware of?

The children and families need prayer and support. They are often isolated.
There is a great financial burden that comes with having a child with a disability.
Healthcare and educational systems are not adequate to meet the growing needs.
Funding, funding, funding is needed for research, therapies, education, etc, etc, etc.

There is so much to be aware of.

I have prayed for my children since before they were born. Several years ago, I believed I distinctly heard God say to me, "Don't ask me to heal them anymore. I have made them the way I wanted them to be."

That was very confusing for me. I was the persistent widow who wouldn't leave the judge alone. (Luke 18:2-8)

Just recently have I understood what I believe God was saying to me.

I will not pray that my sons be healed to meet someone else's standard. (even mine) I will not pray for them to be healed just so they will be accepted.

I still pray (very persistently) for healing of their anxiety, their communication and understanding; their needs. I go to the Father who formed them in my womb, who knows them much better than I ever could, who loves them the way I can only hope to. I ask Him to help me be the mother they need.

Wow. I feel more aware already.

1 comment:

  1. As always, very well written Jeanne. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I am honored that you do. {{HUGS}}
