Wednesday, June 18, 2014


This is something that Mary Margaret wrote a few weeks ago in response to an assignment. I thought I'd share it here. They are paying attention, even when we think they're not.

"Hannah, my childhood friend, is getting married in two weeks. She’s the first of my childhood friends to get married. That got me thinking about a series I read a couple of years ago, and in that series the girl had a list of things she was looking for in a guy. Then that got me thinking, “what am I looking for in a guy?”

The first thing that I thought of was, a sense of humor. Someone silly, goofy, crazy, and everything but sarcastic. The next thing on the list was, sweet; somebody who is loyal, kind, polite, and to whom family is one of the top priorities. Next is, hardworking. Someone faithful to finish what he’s doing, (Whether he likes it or not.) Someone who always thinks of who and what he’s doing it for. The next thing is romantic, some who will open every door for me and get me flowers for every occasion. The last thing on my list is something I couldn’t find a word for, and that is he has to have a good relationship with God.

When I was thinking up my list of what I was looking for, I noticed something. I was describing my Daddy. He’s funny, sweet, hardworking, romantic, and he has a good relationship with God.
Now, some of these things on my list might change when I actually start dating. But if any guys think they might be “the one”, you’ve got some big shoes to fill."

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I never thought I would need to reinvent myself. I shouldn't be surprised. People have to do it all the time, I have just never given it much thought until now.

As a young woman, I had a goal; I wanted to be a part of the music business. It was a dream come true to find that I could actually go to college and major in something like that. I graduated from Belmont and had several jobs in the music industry. Goal achieved; I was happy.

I took a brief hiatus and worked at a church office, while beginning to take classes again to explore a new career.

Enter a young man, a ring, and the goals changed. I was still happy. Happy to be by his side, happy to support his goals while achieving my own goals of being wife and mother.

I've spent nearly 20 years being the harried, homeschool mom and that journey is winding down, too. I feel restless. It's time for me to do something else but I have no idea what that should be.

I have been passionate about every goal that I have had. That is the part that is missing. Passion. I have no direction, no clue about what I want to do.

Am I too old to start over? People would say, "No, of course not," but really, am I?