Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is is worth it?

Is it worth it?

Is it worth my time to work hard at something just for the intrinsic reward of having done a good job? Maybe that was enough at one time in my life, but not anymore.

I need to see a result. A result that was worth the time and effort. I feel a sense of urgency - a sense of time's a wastin'. I can ill afford to put forth such intense effort for little or no reward.

I don't necessarily mean personal reward, but results that benefit something or somebody.

I used to be a people pleaser. As I work my way out of that, I can see very clearly how people have used me or my abilities for their own goals and purposes. It seems that whatever group I am a part of, somebody is trying to get me to do something. Yet, when I look at the things that I know I must do, I am alone. No one is there to help. No one can do those things but me.

What does God expect me to do? I ask Him every day. Most of the time, I think I get a pretty clear answer. I find it a little amusing that more often these days, what He tells me to do, and what others expect of me aren't even close to being the same.

Anything that my Abba, Father asks me to do is always worth it. That's because no matter how difficult it is, or how hard I work, He is responsible for the result.

As a former people pleaser, it makes me uncomfortable to let people down, but I'm going to try to get used to it.

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