Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camp Canezy

We just wrapped up the 7th annual Camp Canezy. Canezy is a combination of Cathy + Jeanne + Suzy - me and my sisters.

It began as Cathy's idea. As the camping veteran, she had a camper and had taken her kids when they were younger. I came up with the name. It has continually evolved and grown every year. So much so, that we now have visitors who want to come to camp if only to participate for a day or an evening.

Each year has its own theme and we decorate t-shirts, have a talent show, go on nature hikes, do crafts, go to the pool, play "campo" (a form of bingo) with prizes, and have s'mores. Since our acquisition of a dvd projector several years ago, we have added nightly movies with popcorn.

(This year's theme was "Camp Rock" which provided much inspiration to campers and counselors, alike.)

We started out in a pop-up camper, but quickly outgrew that. We tried tents, but that wasn't very fun. (no fun for me, anyway) We now rent cabins. I've been told that it isn't really camping. Maybe not, but we never said it was camping; it's Camp Canezy. It's not about the camping; it's about the memories, the laughter, and the time together. Sometimes, I think it's as much about the three sisters as it is about the kids. Although, the kids have a large time and come home with all sorts of goodies.

We all lead hectic, busy lives. We send quick emails and even shorter text messages. We get together at holidays, but that sometimes becomes about getting everybody fed. Camp provides a unique opportunity to spend extended time together. (with lots of blackmail picture possibilities)

I hope it will continue to grow and be a part of our family for a long time. My kids talk about it to others as if everybody's family does this and people ought to know exactly what they are talking about. Maybe people will learn what it's about and consider a family camp of their own. If they do, I've got lots of ideas. :)

1 comment:

  1. I say a great "amen" to all of this. It is a lot for us sisters. We don't have enough time together and time is so short. We have such a great time, I am so tired when it is over, but am so extremely happy for the time I have spent with my two sisters and their families. I look forward to many more years of Camp Canezy. Love, The Camp Queen (Cathy)
